Listing Description API
This API provides a way to generate AI-based descriptions for real estate listings. It takes various attributes of the property as inputs and uses them to generate a detailed description.
Example usage: A JSFiddle is provided here:
Authorization: Bearer <Your_API_Token>
Note: Replace <Your_API_Token>
with the provided authorization token. If you do not provide a token, you can still text the API but it will only work the the address "152 Strachan Ave Toronto Ontario M6J2S9 Canada
Body Parameters:
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
address | String | The address of the property. | Yes |
propertyType | String | The type of property. We suggest using values of "detached house", "row house", "apartment","flat","condo","townhouse", "vacant-land", "commercial", "industrial". You can provide other values as long as they are sufficiently descriptive. | Yes |
transactionType | String | The type of transaction intended for the property Suggested values are "For sale" or "For rent". You can provide other values as long as they are sufficiently descriptive. | Yes |
numberOfBathrooms | Number | The total number of bathrooms in the property. This should be an integer. If there are none, provide "0". | Yes |
numberOfBedrooms | Number | The total number of bedrooms in the property. This should be an integer. If there are none, provide "0". | Yes |
numberOfParkingSpaces | Number | The total number of parking spaces available in the property. This should be an integer. If there are none, provide "0". | Yes |
additionalDetails | String | Additional information about the property that could be beneficial to include in the description. This is a free text area. You can provde any notes you feel are relevant. | No |
area | Number | The total area of the interior space of the property This should be a value representing a square figure such as "2500" or "250" etc. | No |
areaUnit | String | The unit of measurement for the area of the property. Suggeste values are sqft or sqm. | No |
lotSize | String | The size of the land the property is located on. You can provide dimensions such as "10x30" or square figures such as "2500" | No |
lotSizeUnit | String | The unit of measurement for the lot size. Suggested values are acres, sqm, sqft, hectares | No |
length | Number | The approximate number of words to be used in the description. Word limit is 2,000 Character limit is 10,000 You must provide either this field OR the characterCount field | Yes |
lengthType | String | "words" or "characters" | Yes |
language | String | The language in which the description should be generated. Any ISO 639 language code and ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code i.e. en-US, en-UK, fr-CA | Yes |
writingStyle | String | Relaxed, formal, luxury or custom | Yes |
tone | String | Ignored unless writing style is "custom" | No |
complexity | String | Ignored unless writing style is "custom" | No |
copyWriter | String | avery, blake, casey, dakota, emerson [all lower case] Recommend using avery or blake for best results. Ratings as of July 23rd 2024: Avery: 4.76 Blake: 4.75 Casey: 3.2 Dakota: 3.1 Emerson: 4 | Yes |
instructions | Array[ String] | Array of strings containing instructions for the AI to implement when writing. Example input: ["Do not include the zip code when mentioning the address", "Do not mention the listing price"] | Yes |
dictionaryRules | Array[rule] | Example input: [{"type":"substitute term","term":"master bedroom",alternative:"primary bedroom"}] Supported types: "substitute term" and "encourage using the term" Only when substituting a term is the "alternative" field required on the rule. | Yes |
communityHighlightsDiscovery | String | Acceptable values are "disabled", "point", "city" or "property_address" NB In order to use "property_address" you will need to be granted special permission as the supporting location data is very expensive if using a large volume of unique addresses. We encourage people with large volumes to use "city" or provide a consistent point that represent the community location. By default auto discovery is disabled, any passed in communityHighlights will be used. | No, defaults to "disabled" |
communityHighlights | Array[locations] | If data is provided in this field, automated discovery of community highlights will not occur regardless of the value provided in the communityHighlightsDiscovery field. These should be in an array with objects formatted the same as a Google Places API location results. Further reading: Example input: [{"type":"Feature","geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-74.0109927,40.705751]},"name":"Leman Manhattan Preparatory School","place_name":"41 Broad Street, New York","category":"secondary_school","distance":518.310481413427}] | No |
communityLongitude | Decimal | This is only required when "communityHighlightsDiscovery" is set to "point". In all other cases this value is ignored. Discovered community location data will be based on this as the centre of the search location. Example value: -79.4129782 | |
communityLatitude | Decimal | This is only required when "communityHighlightsDiscovery" is set to "point". In all other cases this value is ignored. Discovered community location data will be based on this as the centre of the search location. Example value: 43.6442542 |
The response will be an AI-generated real estate description based on the input parameters.
Last updated